- #Buy 2012 mac mini dvd drive Patch#
- #Buy 2012 mac mini dvd drive Bluetooth#
If not, go ahead and screw your CD or DVD out of the computer: if so, you might want to resort to Method 3 below. Method 2 - Screw it-Break the Discīefore trying this method, think long and hard over whether you really want to use the disc you're trying to remove again. I sometimes use a mini screwdriver to see inside, as well. and maybe use a flashlight to see inside if you can.
Profit? It's a little tricky you just have to be brave. You'll need to hold the card over that lever, and try to get the sticky tape onto the disc, then pull out the disc with the card. There's a lever that lets the disc eject. Put the credit card just into the drive (through the little dust flap) so you can see a little bit inside the drive. #Buy 2012 mac mini dvd drive Patch#
Stick a small patch of sticky tape onto a corner of the credit card (it's a good idea to NOT do this over the magnetic strip.).
Tools of the Trade: Credit card and double-sided tape. Basically, you use a credit card and some tape to try to grip the CD hard enough and use that friction to pull it out of your Mac: I originally learned about this technique from this post on Ecstaticist. any of the following steps could (and probably will) cause damage to your disc and/or your Mac, even if done carefully! Method 1 - The Sticky Credit Card MAKE SURE you've tried every other solution above, and don't hold me responsible for any damage done to your drive as a result of your following these directions. Plan B - Disc is Physically Stuck in Drive
#Buy 2012 mac mini dvd drive Bluetooth#
(NOTE: Use a USB mouse to do this - Bluetooth mice might not always be detected during Mac startup). Restart the computer and hold down the Mouse until the disc is ejected.
Open Terminal, and enter in the following command: drutil tray eject 0 (then press return). Open Disk Utility, click on the CD in the list of drives, and click Eject. Quit all open applications, and restart the Finder (Apple menu, Force quit, then restart Finder), and try again. Press the 'Eject' key on your keyboard. Try waiting a minute or so, and do it again. always try the steps in order! Plan A - Disc Doesn't Eject after Dragging to Trash Here are the steps I usually take in trying to eject a CD or DVD-in order from least likely to damage the disc and/or my Mac, to most likely. Often a dialog pops up and says "the disc is in use" (but it doesn't specify what application is using it!), or worse, there is no error-the disc just won't come out. Sometimes, I just want to get a dratted disc out of the computer, but dragging it to the trash, or pressing the 'Eject' key won't work. I'm given a mini CD (business card size) or DVD (this rarely happens anymore). A CD/DVD disc is warped or really thick (like most discs with homemade labels). Most of the time, I'm extremely happy with Apple's decision to make all their physical media (CD/DVD) drives slot-loading, as it means there's one less part to accidentally break off my Mac, and it just looks so darn pretty! But every now and then, I have a hellish experience with the drive.